Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Clickbank Code Revealed...

You've heard of Clickbank right? If you've ever promoted through Clickbank as an affiliate, this will be familiar: You spend hours choosing a product and some keywords, and even more time setting up landing pages and review sites, Only to find out that the product is a real dog that doesn't convert, the
keywords either don't bring traffic or cost too much (if you're using PPC), and the whole thing is just a big waste of time.

It's frustrating isn't it? Well guess what – it's only frustrating because you've been doing it wrong. Michael Jones recently started promoting Clickbank products for the first time ever...and made almost $50k in my first month. He documented just about everything, and now he is unleashing these marketing secrets to the world in the form of The Clickbank Code.

You're probably wondering what's different about this, and I'll tell you: Why this is different. Michael Jones is not some Clickbank uber-guru pushing his stale old techniques onto you. This is fresh, brand new, and works like gangbusters to deliver fat commissions over and over. Most affiliates are smashing their head against the wall trying to make money from outdated ideas and loopholes. Newsflash – It's 2009. That lame stuff won't work any more.

Michael Jones has made millions working online OUTSIDE of Clickbank – and that means his techniques and tricks have never been seen by Clickbank marketers before.This is 5+ hours of the most effective video training a marketer could wish
for. That's why Michael Jones has been able to enter any Clickbank niche he wants and plans to tear his competition to shreds. Compared to other affiliates you'll be a marketing ninja after this, and you'll be able to assassinate your competitors
at will. And hurry, this won't be around forever.

PS- Think about it for a second...doesn't it make sense that someone who's made millions outside of Clickbank would have a whole new bag of tricks to use?

To your success,
okonji chukwuka

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